
Nov 27, 2016 19:13
Today I will talk about the Japanese word "sarumane."

"Sarumane" means to imitate acts or surfaces of other people without thinking.

The etymology is very simple: "saru" means "monkey", "mane" means "to imitate", and "sarumane" comes from the fact that monkeys often imitate people's acts without reason.

Basically, to imitate something merely without your own thinking will not work well.

Therefore, "sarumane" is a derogatory word against such people.

According to the dictionary web site, this word can be translated into "awkward imitation", "poor imitation", or "cheap imitation" in English.

By the way, I also found the word "copycat".

I think that "copycat" is appropriate as a translation of "sarumane".






辞書サイトによると、英語では "awkward imitation" や "poor imitation", "cheap imitation" などと訳されることがあるようです。

また、「模倣者」を意味する "copycat" という単語も見つけました。

No. 1 Jacob's correction
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese word "sarumane."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Sarumane" means to imitate acts or surfaces of other people without thinking.
  • "Sarumane" means to imitate acts or surfaces of other people without thinking.
     Not sure what you mean by "surfaces"?
  • The etymology is very simple: "saru" means "monkey", "mane" means "to imitate", and "sarumane" comes from the fact that monkeys often imitate people's acts without reason.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Basically, to imitate something merely without your own thinking will not work well.
  • Basically, to imitate something merely without your own thinking will not work well.
     "merely" feels a bit odd here. It's like "only".
  • Therefore, "sarumane" is a derogatory word against such people.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • According to the dictionary web site, this word can be translated into "awkward imitation", "poor imitation", or "cheap imitation" in English.
  • According to the dictionary web site an online dictionary, this word can be translated into "awkward imitation", "poor imitation", or "cheap imitation" in English.
     There isn't a single dictionary website, which is suggested by the use of "the". I reworded it to be a bit more natural.
  • By the way, I also found the word "copycat".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think that "copycat" is appropriate as a translation of "sarumane".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Great work! I was able to read this easily. Just a couple of small changes to make it sound more natural.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)

> Not sure what you mean by "surfaces"?
Oh, sorry. I literally translated my Japanese word "うわべ" into "surfaces", but it might not make sense in English.
I wanted to express something like "apperance" or "semblance" by using "surface".